Clients | Case Studies
Our approach considers that every project requires equally balanced attention to the technical elegance of systems improvement, and the human dynamics of change and transition. Our focus is on unbiased leadership development, alignment of goals and values, authentic engagement in achieving goals, and excellence in execution by all stakeholders with a lens on equity, diversity, and social justice.
Our Recent Clients Include:
• City of Auburn • City of Newcastle • Jefferson County
• RCO • City of Sammamish • City of Mercer Island
• Dept of Natural Resources • State of Oregon • Island County
• City of Sammamish • State of Utah
Case Studies
Washington Department of Natural Resources | Equity Audit and Recommendations, 2021
Equity Audit (organizational assessment with an equity lens) of DNR and conducted an internal and external-facing DEI report of recommendations that will guide developing a DEI strategic plan. We developed and launched an Agency-wide DEI staff survey targeted at hiring officials, scheduled interviews, and focus groups with strategic partners.
DNR must address the DEI issues clearly and strategically to help us serve all Washington communities, fulfill their mandates, and reduce risk to the trusts, boards, and resources. Strong DEI and Environmental Justice (EJ) policies and culture will benefit DNR in many ways, including:
Providing the DNR team with the tools to work with growing and increasingly diverse communities and partners, allowing us to build trust and remove skepticism of government
Improving safe and equitable recreation on DNR lands
Motivating workforce diversity can attract an increasingly broad and diverse array of people to careers in natural resource management
Support for Black, Indigenous/Native American, Asian, and Pan Asian communities, and people of color, and people with disabilities, and other marginalized community members
Creating a clear direction and shared language for DEI
SPIPA | South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency Team Development 2019 | Bias, Boundaries, and Etiquette in the Workplace Workshop:
This workshop was developed to support the team in establishing new norms, acceptable workplace behaviors, a common language to recognize micro-aggressions and build skills in identifying practices affecting communication, cross-cultural awareness, and respectful interactions with one another. Our work focuses on diverse and economically challenged communities. The team established and understood the boundaries and rules of conduct with internal and external customers and learned to recognize their blind spots, be more self-aware, and practiced how to give and receive feedback.
King County Metro WorkSmart (Remote Work) , Seattle, WA - 2017-2018
Demarche worked as the consultant with King County Metro on developing their remote work program for our regional businesses. Demarche created all of the marketing materials, toolkit, and training for remote work and other alternatives to driving. Now that COVID 19 is upon us, this program is perfect for supporting organizations in how to formalize a remote work program to keep business continuity whether this is your new norm or to respond to a short-term emergency. WorkSmart remote work options include remote work, compressed workweek, flex schedules, and satellite office. We would support you in the following activities: setting up guidelines and policy, design and implementation strategy to support adoption, training remote workers, managers, and those working with telecommuters, and helping you gather metrics for accountability.
King County Metro Transit, Seattle, WA - 2017-2018
Demarche is currently coaching leadership teams through transformational leadership challenges affecting the entire organization as they transition from a Division to a Department. This involves interviewing the teams to gain an understanding and pulse of the current state, desired state, pain-points, analyzing gaps, and developing strategic goals to meet new targets of performance.
City of Sammamish Relaunch of Cityworks - 2017-2018
The City of Sammamish engaged Demarche to relaunch Cityworks Asset Management system to best meet business needs and requirements across all lines of business – Parks, Public Works (Stormwater and Streets), Facilities and Fleet management. The work in progress for the implementation team included clearly identifying business needs, requirements, and workflows to supporting the program, and to provide on-going technical and maintenance management support until the administrators are fully versed in managing the program, developing levels of service, and standard operating procedures.
City of Seattle, Seattle Department of Transportation
Sponsored by the Mayor, four of the largest City departments involved in reviewing and issuing permits to construct improvements within the City right of way permits were mandated at the end of 2007 to evaluate the problem and deliver recommendations to fix the problem by end of the first quarter of 2008. Demarche Consulting Group was engaged to design the approach, lead the investigation teams, and support development of recommendations and a work plan for implementation