“Linda is a powerhouse of knowledge, experience, and the smartest person that I know! When I worked with Linda, she commanded a level of respect from clients that was enviable. When she was asked a question, everyone would stop to listen to what she was going to say, because she always had something clever and insightful to reveal. Her ability to wade through government bureaucracy to drive action and purpose was astounding. After a visit from Linda, people would have a clear understanding of what MUST happen, coupled with the urgency and will to follow through and do it. With her guidance, Linda can easily be a beacon of light for organizations that need help finding their way. When you meet Linda, you expect her to be smart, resourceful, and experienced. What you don't expect is how much you will enjoy her company, her humor, and her wit.”
-Tracy O'Rourke, Principal

“Linda has done great work for Seattle Public Utilities. She is thorough in her assessments and asks just the right questions to force us to challenge our assumptions and the status quo. She brings industry knowledge and creativity. She has helped us in our ongoing efforts to provide cost effective services to the public.”.

King County Metro: Terry White
" Patricia,You are very much appreciated! We are off and running and would not be nearly as focused without the assistance you have provided our team. We will certainly reach out to your team as we continue on our journey.
Thanks again, TW"
AAA Washington on WorkSmart
“[Patricia] Thank you again so much for the guidance, support, and materials to move AAA Washington to a more structured FWA (Flexible Work Arrangement). Not only was it enjoyable to work with you, we learned so much!”
Katherine Rothberg, HR